Alzheimer’s disease information

Many people can meet at least once in their lives a situation when their memory and attention is not in such a good condition as we would like it to be. Often this condition is passing, and usually accompanied by stress, anxiety, depression or sleep disorders. With age, people are increasingly faced with memory problems. This may be a natural manifestation of aging, as well as a sign of illness. In most cases, the age change does not cause serious problems in everyday life. But if constant forgetfulness starts to interfere with a person’s daily life, and he can’t cope with previous actions, it can be a manifestation of dementia.

Dementia is a growing deterioration of memory, mental ability and ability to cope with everyday activities, which leads to a state where a person can not cope without assistance. There are several causes of dementia, and most often the cause is Alzheimer’s disease. Reliable medicines for this disease can be found here

Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic disease of the nervous system, which was first described by Dr. Alois Alzheimer’s in 1906. The disease was named after him. The disease causes slow damage to neurons and dying brain tissue. Because of the disease, memory and mental abilities gradually deteriorate, as well as the ability to cope with everyday tasks. Other causes of dementia may be, for example, recurrent cerebrovascular disease (vascular dementia), degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobe, and Parkinson’s disease, which occurs for a long time.

Sometimes, severe renal or hepatic failure, thyroid failure, tumors, or brain injury can lead to reduced mental ability. If the doctor suspects that a person with memory impairment has the above mentioned diseases, he may conduct the necessary tests and examinations to rule out these diseases. The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease cannot be confirmed by a blood test. The decrease in brain volume can be seen during brain examination.

As the population ages, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease also increases. Therefore, it is very important to raise public awareness about this disease. Treatment of Alzheimer’s helps to slow down the course of the disease, so it is very important to see a doctor as early as possible. Integral knowledge about the disease helps to recognize the disease as early as possible, and thanks to this we can better understand the patient’s problems and provide effective assistance.

What you need to know about Alzheimer’s disease

  1. If your memory and skills deteriorate, consult a physician. If you notice these changes with someone close to you, help them go to the doctor. Stay with the doctor to help describe the changes, if necessary.
  2. See a doctor immediately if problems occur suddenly and progress within days, weeks, or months. If necessary, the doctor will work with a neurologist and/or psychiatrist and/or geriatrician.
  3. To find out the causes of memory problems, blood tests and tests, as well as computer and magnetic resonance imaging are conducted.
  4. The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease starts with treatment that helps to preserve the ability to cope with everyday tasks and slows down the development of memory problems. It is impossible to treat the disease with medicines.
  5. Memory and behavior problems complicate relationships with family members and loved ones and complicate everyday life. People with memory impairment should have a loved one who can help them in their daily work as well as in solving legal issues.

If you are looking for medicines for Alzheimer’s disease, you can find them here