Views on Instagram stories as a way to increase your popularity

When Instagram added Stories, it did the very best conversion of its interface. The idea was not original (before they were already used by Snapchat), but the statistics exceeded all expectations, and the popularity of stories does not think to fall. The reason for such a frantic success is that people are tired of perfect photos in the tape. There was no sincerity on the site. Departure from the canons of beauty and filters for photos threatened with “execution”. Stories have lowered the bar for glamour and reduced the distance between bloggers and their audience. In total, the advantages of the section became the reason for the race for viewing. Below we will tell you why you need to cheat history views on Instagram, how they affect the development of your account and how to get masslooking using services?

How do story views affect account development?

Short quick-fading photos and videos captured the love of the Instagram audience. After all, creating them you don’t have to worry about filters, retouching, a littered horizon and other aspects that are so necessary for the tape. Here is life. The real one. Without embellishment. The tape did not lose its relevance, but nevertheless, the stories slightly pressed it.

Stories is a great tool for developing your blog. And not paying attention to him, at least, is unreasonable. With a competent approach, the use of hashtags, mention and geolocation, you can get into recommendations and attract new subscribers or customers. Story promoters also affect the formation of recommendations. As for the audience, you can interact with it by creating polls, questions, tests, chats, and so on. Response to content often exceeds the statistics of posts posted in the feed.

How to increase views of stories?

There are two ways to cheat views: free and paid. Free services are good because you do not need to pay money. But you have to give the program its time. First you need to complete the tasks of other users, accumulate points and pay them for promotion services. The process is long, tedious and few stay in it for a long time. Paid services are transferred to those who have already understood how the free ones work. The price is not so big as to hit the budget hard. The whole process comes down to choosing a service (views), placing an order and paying. But if you want to interest the audience that came to you after masslooking stories, then you should make sure that your account is attractive.

What is the main thing on Instagram? That’s right, content. And primarily visual. If there is something to put in the tape, then the next question that should appear in your head: how to do it beautifully? How to lead Instagram in the same style? It seems to be difficult. And in something there is its own share of truth. But if you have examples and auxiliary resources before your eyes, then you will quickly master this stage and become a pro. Below we will talk about all the intricacies of a beautiful visual on Instagram, what role this will play in promoting your account, and give examples of stylish pages.

The role of page design on Instagram in its promotion

When you are just starting to think about promoting your account on social networks, you should certainly answer a few questions: why are you doing this, for whom, what do you want to get as a result, and by what means you can achieve success. And only after that you can proceed to the main component of any popular page – to its design. A stylish account stands out from the millions of others in which the calculation of posts is neglected. And so he is ahead. He advances and gathers a large audience around him. You need to understand that users come to Instagram for visual enjoyment.